

Why prevention is better than cure

When was your last health check?
An unintended consequence of COVID-19 has been that health prevention has taken a back seat for many of us. According to a global health study by PWC, 32% of people reported a delay in preventative visits due to COVID-19.

It’s time to put our health first. The saying ‘prevention is better than cure’ has been around since the 17th and possibly 13th century according to Oxford and it’s still a fundamental principle of modern health care today. It is better to stop an illness from occurring than it is to treat it after it has happened. It is also cheaper too.

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Market Wrap – July 2022

Recent sharp falls across share and bond markets have been a shock, but not a surprise.

Sharp investment market falls are always jolting. However, they have not been a surprise given economic conditions, especially inflation being at multi-decades highs around the world.

Moreover, markets have been jittery since the back end of 2021 as investors began to digest the prospect of central banks raising interest rates to combat rising inflation. In that sense, current events are an outpouring of that build-up of worry.

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Smart Super Strategies

Want to help boost
your retirement savings
while potentially saving
on tax? Here are five
smart super strategies
to consider before the
end of the financial year

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