


How often do you feel you are burning your candle at both ends? That no matter how hard you try to destress or what boundaries you set, the to-do list gets longer and you find it harder to catch your breath? Even with businesses shutting down and our usual activities ceasing, somehow we’re still just as busy as before. We’re filling up our free time with activities and home workouts and picking up new hobbies, and it’s exhausting. This kind of burnout has been getting the better of our generation and we’re starting to fall victim to it from a very young age. The constant strive for productivity is making us unproductive.

The hardest thing about the society we built is that it has become increasingly difficult to extract ourselves from triggers; work, illness, racism, pandemics, environmental crisis’, social media… The list itself is endless. But one thing I found that helped me has been building a ‘medicine cabinet’ of rituals that I can treat myself to when I start to feel anxious or overwhelmed. Here are a few rituals that may help you too.

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Make technology work for you

Are you a new technology pioneer, or a proud ‘technophobe’? Wherever you sit on the digital spectrum, the transformative power of technology is undeniable. What’s important is how you harness it.

From energy to communications, cars to apps and beyond, there are a myriad of ways that technology can help you simplify your life, save money and lessen your impact on the environment.

But while it can be easy to get swept up in the latest fad, it’s important to be able to identify the truly game-changing offerings for personal use and for investment potential.

Whether you want to keep track of your income and expenses through good budgeting software or are thinking about investing in household technology to help you if you’ve started working from home for the first time – doing your research can help you both spend and save safely and wisely.

Read on for information on technology solutions you can consider.

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HomeBuilder provides eligible owner-occupiers (including first home buyers) with a grant of $25,000 to build a new home or substantially renovate an existing home. HomeBuilder will assist the residential construction market by encouraging the commencement of new home builds and renovations.
You will be able to apply for HomeBuilder when the relevant State or Territory Government that you live in, or plan to live in, signs the National Partnership Agreement with the Commonwealth Government.
Information on when and how you will be able to apply will become available through the relevant State or Territory revenue office in due course.

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