Category: Financial Planning

Financial Planning

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon: 5 household hacks to help you cut your bills

The start of any financial year is a great time to do an economic audit but, with cost-of-living pressures everywhere, this year it may even be crucial. One of the obvious ways to save money is to cut your ‘discretionary’ spend on life’s nicer things — and consumer sentiment and retail sales data suggest many Australians are.

But an easier, more appealing technique could be to sit down and assess the household expenses that you might consider ‘fixed’ costs. Here are the five household hacks that are usually most effective for economising.

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Get set for financial success in 2022

With a new year just around the corner, now’s the perfect time to say bye-bye to bad habits and get your finances on track. Here are five things you can do to set yourself up for financial success in the new year.

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