Category: General


HomeBuilder explained

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Australian Government made a number of announcements about relief packages to help Australians through this difficult period. The most recent relief package announcement was to introduce the HomeBuilder scheme in an effort to stimulate the building industry, creating jobs and economic growth, and for those lucky enough to be able to take advantage of this, providing the opportunity to build or renovate the home of your dreams.

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10 practical tips for being mindful throughout a busy working day

SuperFriend takes us on a journey to help us understand that mindfulness is about keeping our thoughts in the present – not thinking about what will happen next and not going over the past. It’s being aware of our current emotions and sensations, without reacting to them.

Mindfulness is about keeping your thoughts in the present – not thinking about what will happen next and not going over the past. It’s being aware of your current emotions and sensations, without reacting to them. Sounds simple but the reality is most of us have busy working lives that can leave us feeling anxious, stressed and over-committed. Fortunately, there are a few simple things we can do to bring calm and focus into our workdays.

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